Archive of posts with tag 'GWT'

Reactive GWT

Reactive programming’s popularity has tremendously grown over the last 4 or 5 years. This can tell us that the use case of reactive applications is now valid more than ever. The strain on backend systems has increased and accordingly the need to handle this strain...

A walk through the GWT wrapper for Vue.js: vue-gwt

Vue.js is one of the most popular JavaScript frameworks, along with Angular and React. It leverages modern techniques for building front end applications, and can come handy in maintaining apps that require considerable amount of JavaScript and CSS...

Quick Tip: Debugging a GWT application using Chrome Dev tools

Debugging is an important aspect of software development. Having the right tools can save a lot of time and headaches. Before GWT Super Dev mode, the classic Dev mode allowed to use JVM debugging...

Dependency injection in GWT using Dagger 2

Dependency injection is a software development concept where objects are provided with all the objects or values than they need for creation. GWT users have been familiar with GIN, but this last has been deprecated and is not supported anymore, so applications using GIN currently need really to say farewell...

Overview of Scala.js from a GWT developer perspective

This blog is heavily biased towards GWT (and GWT based frameworks), but we are keeping in my mind that GWT may be taken over by other technologies in the future, so we are always open to exploring other platforms/frameworks...

TIP: Running GWT dev mode on Spring Boot Embeded Server

Spring Boot is a framework that provides auto configuration capabilities to quickly package and deploy Spring ecosystem based applications. It allows developers to focus the core function of their application...

Example of Using WebSockets in GWT ( with a Spring Boot Server)

a WebSocket is a protocol that allows bidirectional communication between a client(running on a browser) and a server. It can have interesting applications such as push notifications and chat. As of HTML 5, WebSocket...

Comments about the GWT maven plugin poll results

We have polled lately the GWT community in Google+ about their GWT maven plugin preference and the result is shown below...

How to use GWT gradle plugin

If Maven is to build systems what Coca-cola is to beverages, Gradle can be considered as Pepsi; both are great, but it's a matter of preference. Gradle is on the rise, and many developers and ops people see in Gradle the solution to their Maven problems. Maven is still the most used build system...

Securing a GWT app using Spring security

Spring security is one of the most used frameworks for securing java web applications. While it remains biased towards Servlets and server side java applications, it can also be used to secure single page applications like GWT based applications...

GWT Tip: working with maven multi-modules projects

Many question have been asked recently in the GWT Users Group about how to work with GWT maven projects that contain multiple GWT modules...

Dockerizing a GWT app

Docker is one the most popular tools, if not the most popular, for virtual "infrastructure". It provides a special lightweight vm-like structure called containers that can be used for packaging, building, and deploying an application...

GWT HTTP requests alternatives

For several reasons, many GWT users ditched the RPC mechanism which is the standard way offered by GWT to call the backend. They found themseleves lost between GWT RequestBuilder and other external librairies which may or may not fit their application model...

A GWT maven progressive web app archetype is up on Github

Because developing a progressive web app tutorial from scratch can be mind-boggling, we created a GWT progressive web application structure with; an app shell for fast painting, service workers for offline usage, and a manifest file for installation to home screen. The archetype uses some Polymer elements...

Serializing/Deserializing Json in GWT

There was recently an interesting discussion in GWT Users group about best practices for serializing/deserializing JSON in the client side....

Progressive Web apps recipes for GWT

If you have been designing or developing web applications for a while, you would have probably came across the term Progressive Web application a tons of times, and will probably do so for the coming years. You probably wondered what exactly is the definition of PWAs, how we identify one...

JsInterop, Web Components, Polymer: A beginner’s guide

Back when GWT was released, there wasn’t that much of Javascript libraries, so having a two way interoperability between Java and JS was not that attractive. GWT offered a way to write Javascript inside Java classes using JSNI. But now with the changing landscape of the Javascript ecosystem, GWT developers need something more elaborate than JSNI...

Browser History Management in GWT using Activity and Place

Browser history management is an important aspect of a web application. An optimized history management will allow faster navigation and better responsiveness. The reason why GWT constitues a special case is its use of a single page (called RootPanel) approach (SPA)...

Introduction to the MVP pattern: a GWT example

The MVP ( Model – View – Presenter) pattern can be seen as as an evolution or advanced form of the MVC (Model-View-Controller) pattern. It may not be easy to grasp from a programmatical point view at the begining, but the theory is pretty clear. To provide a better explanation of the MVP pattern, let’s compare it and contrast it with MVC...

Drag and Drop using GWT

Drag and drop can be an important feature in web apps. It allows adding a human touch to UIs. Drag and drag can be easily implemented using Html5 and Javascript, and also using other frameworks such as jquery. For Java web development, GWT provides a good solution. GWT have added a native feature to enable drag and drop for widgets and components...

Customized CellTable Header in GWT

GWT CellTable provides almost all what a developper wants from a table; paging, sorting, data binding,..etc. However, customizing the header/footer is not provided out of the box, and there is only few resources online that describes how...