Archive of posts with tag 'Spring'

Introduction to using Vaadin in Spring Boot

Vaadin's way of doing things rely on server-side rendering, so it can be integrated naturally into frameworks like Spring. Vaadin's has been lying around for a while now, and provides...

TIP: Running GWT dev mode on Spring Boot Embeded Server

Spring Boot is a framework that provides auto configuration capabilities to quickly package and deploy Spring ecosystem based applications. It allows developers to focus the core function of their application...

Example of Using WebSockets in GWT ( with a Spring Boot Server)

a WebSocket is a protocol that allows bidirectional communication between a client(running on a browser) and a server. It can have interesting applications such as push notifications and chat. As of HTML 5, WebSocket...

Securing a GWT app using Spring security

Spring security is one of the most used frameworks for securing java web applications. While it remains biased towards Servlets and server side java applications, it can also be used to secure single page applications like GWT based applications...